Why I don’t like the word trainer

To me, the word trainer carries negative connotations; it makes me thing of a drill sergeant who thinks himself as the only expert whilst shouting instructions and commands to the person they want to manage. Although not all trainers fit this stereotype, the term can be associated with a strict, authoritarian approach to teaching.

I prefer to be defined as a relationship coach.

Training is something you do to someone

Coaching is something you do with someone

Trainers deliver monologues

Coaches engage in dialogues

Trainers light a fire under someone.

Coaches lights a fire inside someone.

Trainers affect the hour they are with someone

Coaches affect the hours they are not with someone

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National Institute of Canine Ethics

I’ve had amazing dogs in my life (Omar, Toffee, Treacle, Chilli) and currently I own two lovely working Golden Retrievers, Didier and Frank. Besides being fun and loyal companions, they have helped me through my studies and together we have embarked in dog agility. 

I am a certified dog trainer (although I prefer the word coach) and behaviourist practitioner from the International School of Canine Psychology (ISCP). I am also a certified L.E.G.S Family Dog Mediator from Kim Brophey's Applied Ethology Education Centre, and have completed Michael Shikashio's Master Course in Aggression in Dogs. I love dogs, and I studied dog ‘training’(!) and behaviourism for personal interest, to help me understand and connect with my own dogs.

I recently started the Advanced Diploma in Canine Psychology with the ISCP to complete my degree. Having decided to help clients professionally, I keep up my CPD by following webinars organised by various institutes like NICE (National Institute of Canine Ethics of which I am a member), Michael Shikashio's AggressiveDog.com, Kim Brophey, Janet Finlay and Michelle Dart’s HEARTDOG INTERNATIONAL WELLBEING SUMMIT, Grisha Stewart’s Academy and many others. Thanks to these amazing communities of behaviourists and trainers, I find a wealth of information, stay connected, share experiences and keep up to date with the latest scientific discoveries.

I would describe myself as a relationship coach. First of all, I feel it is important to build and maintain a positive relationship with the individual dog; I am drawn to positive coaching methods, leaving it to the individual dog to tell me what they find positively reinforcing. Aversive are also a part of life, but I do not believe in anything that causes physical or psychological pain. In the face of aversive (from a missed reward delivery to a scary encounter and everything in between), I want to build resilience.  When dealing with unwanted behaviours, repression is only a quick fix which is risky and very difficult to control and maintain, especially where behaviours are genetically driven and biologically reinforcing; in these cases I believe the honest and ethical approach is good management in addition to finding an acceptable outlet for those built-in traits and instincts .

National Institute of Canine Ethics